Krishna Temple

"Dry Holi"

2 weeks back, on March 17th we celebrated Holi. Colored powder is thrown or mixed with water and sprayed.

Holi is a festival that symbolizes the beginning of spring, the triumph of good over evil, and Krishna's loving dealings with his friends in Vrindavan when growing up.

This year, Maharashtra was hit hard by drought. So our temple decided to conserve water and just celebrate with colored powder. One may challenge, "this is not how we have been doing it for soo many years, why are you changing things?!"

Our founder always emphasized sticking to the principle and changing details according to time, place, and circumstance. So the principle here was to collectively shower our affection on Radha, Krishna, and each other. But the detail of using water was changed as our neighbours also need water! Though they may not join in our festival - we are all children of the same father.

In Mahabharat, when Duryodhana was to be defeated by higher beings, Yudhisthir came to his aid saying, "Amongst ourselves we may be 5 (us) and a 100 (you and your brothers), but from outside we are 105."

So every living being has a quota (or necessities of life). If we infringe on that, we are punishable by the laws of nature.

The festival was no less fun and our 'neighbors' in the from of the media appreciated our sensitivity to the current situation of drought.