Krishna Temple

"Is an appetizer enough to safisfy our hunger?"

On Tuesday December 15th Yash Birla invited our community to his nearby home. The first talk was given by Radhanath Swami. He mentioned how he would be going to South India, and how one saint by the name of Parasara who lived there used to observe cranes. He would see that they would stand very still in the water, letting small fish swim by. But when a large fish would unsuspectingly come into range - SNAAAAAAAAAAAP! Similarily, Parasara explained that in live so many distractions in the form of little fish will go by, but we should not loose sight of the big fish or our real purpose in life - to make spiritual advancement or to re-awaken our true nature as servants of God.

I found that a nice wake-up call, cause the little fish are soo many! And so distracting, like those little flies/insects that buzz around you in the summers in most places. So if we can just remind ourselves that there is so much greater satisfaction from the large fish versus a few small ones, we can say NO to the mind who keeps urging us to go for 'little bites'.