Krishna Temple

Just a few moments is worth all the effort

Today we set up a table of books and brochures - mostly in German - in the front courtyard. We erected special dividers, layed out chairs, and informed crowd control.

Every 2 weeks a cruise ship, mostly with German folks, docks at the Colaba port. They then make the effort to visit special spots like Gandhi's house, hanging gardens, our temple - to name a few. It usually takes 4-5 hours!

Though we did not get many German visitors by the end of the day, we did have a group of 30 Americans visit, and I had the conversation below with one of them - which made all the effort worth it.

"How did you like the temple room upstairs?"

"Wonderful. You know, seeing the beauty of the temple and hearing what you said has melted away a lot of prejudices I have had. Thank you very much! My son lived in an ashram for a couple of months in Jodpur. But I want him to come here and see this."

"Your most welcome"